Pada tahun 1961, Walt Disney Productions lisensi tertentu film dan hak-hak lain dengan karakter, cerita dan merek dagang dari Stephen Slesinger, Inc, dan Perumahan dari AA Milne dan membuat serangkaian film-film kartun tentang dia. The early cartoons were based on several of the original stories and the distinctive images made popular by Stephen Slesinger, Inc. during the 1930s through 1960s. Awal kartun itu berdasarkan beberapa cerita yang asli dan gambar yang dibuat khusus oleh Stephen populer Slesinger, Inc pada tahun 1960 melalui 1930an. Disney's storytelling style and characterisation have little in common with Milne's tales, and were greatly disliked by the Milne family. Disney hal gaya dan characterisation ada sedikit kesamaan dengan Milne dari cerita, dan itu sangat disliked oleh Milne keluarga. Alongside the cartoon versions, which Disney adapted from Slesinger, Slesinger's simplified lines and pastel color adaptations of Shepard's classical drawings are now marketed under the description "Classic Pooh". Bersamaan dengan versi kartun, Disney yang diadaptasi dari Slesinger, Slesinger disederhanakan dari garis dan warna pastel adaptasi dari Shepard dari klasik gambar sekarang dipasarkan di bawah deskripsi "Classic Pooh".
In 1977, Disney released the animated feature The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh , introducing a new character named Gopher, which Disney acknowledged by having Gopher proclaim, "I'm not in the book, you know!" Pada tahun 1977, Disney dirilis animasi fitur Banyak The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, memperkenalkan karakter baru bernama menggali, yang diakui oleh Disney memiliki menggali menyatakan, "I'm not in the book, you know!" This movie features three segments that were originally released separately as featurettes: Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966), Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (1968), and Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too (1974). Film ini memiliki tiga segmen yang awalnya dirilis secara terpisah sebagai featurettes: Winnie the Pooh dan Honey Tree (1966), Winnie the Pooh dan kencang Hari (1968), dan Winnie the Pooh dan Tigger Too (1974). This feature version featured new bridging material and a new ending, as it had been Walt Disney 's original intention to make a feature. Fitur ini menampilkan versi baru bridging material dan baru berakhir, karena telah Walt Disney 's asli untuk membuat fitur. In 1983, a fourth featurette, Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore , was released. Pada tahun 1983, keempat featurette, Winnie the Pooh dan Hari Eeyore, telah dirilis. Sterling Holloway did the voice for Winnie The Pooh in the movie but due to illness while filming Matt "Bear" Foster stood in for him occasionally and his voice can be heard a few times during some scenes in the movie. Sterling Holloway did suara untuk Winnie the Pooh di film namun karena sakit sementara film Matt "Bear" Foster untuk berdiri di dia dan kadang-kadang dapat mendengar suara beberapa kali selama beberapa adegan dalam film.
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